Common Sense Safety
and Security Initiatives
for the wellbeing of
all students
Kentucky School Security Marshal Ben Wilcox (Retired)
Ben Wilcox is a School Safety Specialist and dynamic national speaker focusing on school safety through relationships.
Ben Wilcox recently retired from his position as Kentucky’s first-ever State School Security Marshal after five years at the helm. The School Security Marshal’s Office was created in 2019 with the passage of the School Safety and Resiliency Act(SSRA), one of the most comprehensive pieces of school safety legislation passed in Kentucky and nationally.
The Office of the State School Security Marshal (OSSSM) is responsible for ensuring compliance with all mandates set forth by the SSRA. Ben was given the responsibility of building the office, hiring region compliance officers, and building relationships with school districts to protect students and staff. OSSSM Compliance officers conduct risk assessments on all locally controlled schools in the State and work with schools to improve safety and security.
Ben has a background that is well-suited for this position. He started his career as the first school resource officer at the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office (KY). He was assigned to the county high school and soon also worked in the middle school and three elementary schools. Ben then started working for the Department of Criminal Justice training as a police instructor. His assignments as an instructor included driving, firearms, and tactics, and he was the supervisor of the Instructional Design section.
Ben has a wealth of knowledge about building relationships between law enforcement and school districts to protect children.
Dynamic Presentations From an Innovative School Safety Specialist
Security, Awareness and Relationships, A Marshal’s
Guide to School Safety
This presentation will cover the 2019 School Safety and Resiliency Act passed by Kentucky legislators, which created one of the most comprehensive school safety laws to date. Marshal Ben Wilcox (retired) will recount how he built the first Office of the State School Security Marshal and what he learned during the process.
The presentation will focus on three key topics that have made schools safer in Kentucky: security, awareness, and relationships. School Resource Officer training, mental health programs, and parent/student notification systems will be discussed in those topics. This presentation will also cover, in detail, the process of creating a statewide Handle with Care notification system available to 100% of law enforcement agencies and school systems.
SRO’s and School Counselor’s:
A Powerful Team.
This presentation will provide updates to school safety and security initiatives. Specifically, it will provide information on mental health, trauma-informed care, and working with students with special needs training that is included in School Resource Officer (SRO) certification.
This presentation will help school counselors understand the training SROs receive and how to build a working relationship with their assigned SRO. SROs are a great asset to the school community and can assist school counselors with building student relationships. These officers are trained to be protectors of the school and informal counselors and mentors to students and staff.
This presentation will open doors to collaboration and foster relationships with an asset you may not be aware of in your school. This is another way to add a trusted adult to the goal of student wellbeing.
A School Safety and Security Presentation that Caters to Your Audiences Needs.
Ben Wilcox has presented to law enforcement officials, educators, mental health professionals, facilities maintenance professionals and juvenile justice practitioners from around the country just to name a few. Inquire about specfic school safety based presentations to fit your needs.
Publications: Contributing Author, School Safety, True Stories and Solutions from School Leaders.
Previous Presentations:
Kentucky School Safety Coordinator Certification Training and Updates 2019-2024
Kentucky Association of School Counselors State Conference 2019-2024
Kentucky Association of Plant Managers Conference 2019-2024
National School Safety and Security Conferences, Orlando, Houston, New York and Las Vegas 2022-present
New Mexico School Safety Summitt 2023
Kentucky Association of School Administrators Leadership Conference 2019-2024
Kentucky Association of School Superintendents Conference 2019-2024
Kentucky Association of School Resource Officers/Kentucky Center for School Safety Conference 2019-2024
Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police 2019,2022,2023
Kentucky Sheriffs Association 2019,2022,2024
Kentucky Juvenile Justice Conference 2024
Contact Us
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